Re: Explanation of *on the fly computing* - LONG

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by MHK on July 19, 2001 at 17:24:00:

In Reply to: Re: Explanation of *on the fly computing* - LONG posted by SLANG on July 19, 2001 at 17:08:51:


Please show me one postwhere I ever said that we invented this????

We've presented a position that indicates that you can do recreational diving without a computer and I just showed you how to do it...

Maybe you have known about this stuff, and maybe you knew it prior and that is great.. Our position is that by using the computer as a crutch the newer divers of today NEVER ever get anywhere near discussions about NDL theory.. They blindly follow the computer..

Here's the strangest part of what I see.. We were told ad nauseam that we can't do it, then when we show you how we're told it's been around since the dawn of time..

Well, if it's been around for such a long time why was it so fariegn to the overwhelming majority of diver's and why was Seahunt screaming so loudly that it can't be done????

I've told this method to numerous diver's at our demo's, many very experienced diver's, and you'll be surprised how few ever heard of these concepts..

There are many of us that use this method EVERY weekend without incident.. I haven't used a computer in years and I'd argue that I'm one of the more agressive diver's in terms of bottom times around...

As far as calcultaing your average depth, come on.. That is a joke.. If you think that's teh weakest link than you may not pay attention much to your diving.. My depth gauge is wrist mounted and I can look at it anytime I want without breaking stride, without breaking trim with a simple glance of my eyes.. It takes nearly a second.. How could you not know your average depth if you are paying attention to your surroundings????

Let's not nitpick because this stuff is elementary..

Can I ask you this question and let's see where we are in terms of our diving philosophies and our approach to awareness..

Please answer honestly????

Do you need your SPG to tell you how much air you have left + or - 200psi?????

Answer that and then we'll continue..


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