
Can't take off work

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Posted by Elaine on November 20, 2008 at 10:43:11:

In Reply to: Re: Part of the problem posted by Chris Knight on November 20, 2008 at 09:59:19:

Most of my diving friends travel a whole lot for their jobs, or are expected to work long hours. It isn't meant to be an excuse, it is how it is.

In my case, I can't drive 60 miles or more each way to a meeting that is scheduled when I have to be physically present at work. It isn't possible. I don't go to meetings that I'd love to attend - simply because it is a built in stone schedule conflict.

I understand your tout to try and get people involved - but there are walls in this process that keep many people out and we can't move them. There are many ways to include more people in the process that don't include physical presence, but I don't see them being offered.

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