Re: Not trying to Flame anyone, please read post for e-mail informaiton, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by TDI Diver on August 27, 2001 at 18:16:33:

In Reply to: Re: TDI the only way to dive - NO ANONYMOUS FLAMING!! posted by AADIVER on August 27, 2001 at 17:57:13:

Hey AA I'm really not flaming anyone.
Just stating my opinion based on my personal experience with both systems.

I would put my e-mail up but given the tone of this board I am frankly afraid
all I would end up with is a flaming in box full of thing that I would rather not have, so I think I will
stay with "talking" through the board for now, unless the editors get it cleaned up or I meet someone I can trust not to post my e-mail.

BTW I do use most of the gear config put out by GUE because for the most part it works. I do however change some of the config based on the particular dive I am doing as I don't feel anyone gear config
works for ALL situations. However in general the GUE, DIR gear config does work well.

However the attitude of the DIR group is in general not very good for diving or for the dive industry. And yes being a CEO of a corporation and having a sales/marketing background I do believe that GUE, DIR and the like is
no more than a marketing scheme for Halcyon, and again frankly its not a very good one (because of the messengers) or very covered up (though it may have never been intended to be covered up)

What you won't find me doing is bad mouthing other people or specifics about GUE or DIR.
However IMO TDI does by far have the best system of instruction and some of the best instructors.

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